What We Treat >> Peripheral Neuropathy Physical Therapy
Peripheral Neuropathy occurs when there is damage to the peripheral nerves that travel to your arms and legs. When the nerves become damaged, they stop functioning in the way they are supposed to, which can cause issues. People who suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy tend to experience little-to-no sensation in their toes and fingers, which results in issues with function and movement in the affected body parts.
While there are several conditions that can cause Peripheral Neuropathy, the most common one is diabetes. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, “60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes will develop neuropathy within their lifetime.” Fortunately, Peripheral Neuropathy can be treated through our specialized physical therapy services at Good Hands Physical Therapy. For more information, contact our Bridgewater, NJ physical therapy office today.
Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder known to affect millions of people throughout the United States. It is a complication found in several different medical conditions, including, but not limited to:
At Good Hands Physical Therapy, we employ several specialized methods and modalities for treating Peripheral Neuropathy. This will be decided based upon the discretion of our Bridgewater, NJ physical therapists after a physical examination, analysis of medical history, and the evaluation of your symptoms. While there unfortunately is no known cure for Peripheral Neuropathy, there are treatments that we can provide at Good Hands Physical Therapy in order to slow down the progression of nerve damage, maintain function in the affected areas, and decrease any pain you may be feeling. Some of the most common physical therapy treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy include:
MicroVas Therapy. MicroVas Therapy, also referred to as MicroVascular Therapy, is a physical therapy treatment used to help stimulate blood flow, primarily in the feet. This treatment is used to help patients who experience chronic pain due to poor circulation.
Anodyne Therapy. Anodyne Therapy, also referred to as MIRE or “Monochromatic Infrared Energy,” is a form of physical therapy treatment used to non-invasively reduce pain and increase circulation. It can help provide relief for a number of conditions, such as helping to restore sensation in the feet of diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy, or improving walking patterns and balance in patients with balance and gait disorders.
Warm Whirlpools. If the desired goal is increased circulation in the affected area, then a warm whirlpool may be administered by a physical therapist. The warmth of the whirlpool helps in opening up the small arteries in the body and increasing circulation. In turn, the increased circulation helps in bringing fresh blood, oxygen, and cellular regeneration to the injured area, which promotes healing.
If you are suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, or you think you might be, contact Good Hands Physical Therapy today to find relief. We can help you take back control of your life by relieving your pain and helping to improve your function. Don’t suffer in silence – get back to your best quality of life with physical therapy treatments today.